I help people to…

be comfortable with emotions

reach their authentic self

discover mindful living



Our ethos

Engaging in therapy is like embarking on a journey, sometimes a difficult and painful journey. At Claire Hurwitz Psychology, we are passionate about creating a safe space to enable you to start a journey of self-discovery, self-growth, healing, and change. At Claire Hurwitz Psychology, we use a holistic approach, incorporating both the mind and body through the use of evidence-based approaches, to help you work through those inner tangles by learning how to manage the difficulties you face, enhance your emotional wellbeing, develop insight, and ultimately make long-term lasting changes. 

Where the mind

meets the heart.



What we offer

Individual Therapy for young adults (18+)  and adults using a range evidence-based therapeutic modalities which are tailored to meet your individual needs, including: Cognitive Behaviour Behavior, Schema Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness-based therapies, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. 

We can help you with a broad range of difficulties: anxiety, depression and low mood, relationship difficulties, life adjustments, seeking clarification around life decisions, perfectionism, self-esteem and confidence issues, and stress management.

We also offer specialised treatment for relationship difficulties with a key focus on understanding what underlying beliefs are getting in the way of finding and/or keeping the love you desire.

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Finding joy in day-to-day life
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Slowing down and turning inwards
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Experience with Claire

I am a Clinical Psychologist who strives to create a space for hope, healing, and change. I believe that challenges can be powerful stepping stones for opportunities of self-inquiry, developing insight, connecting with difficult emotions, and healing parts of yourself. 

Call me Clinical Psychologist by qualification, but underneath that title I am a lover and encourager of self-growth and self-care, an advocate for feeling your feelings & speaking your truth, and am passionate about helping individuals reach a point in their lives where they can say I feel content.

Bookable services


Individual Therapy

Embark on a journey of self-exploration, dive inwards, & get to know yourself more fully.


Wellbeing Tools

Let’s get practical – a personalised toolkit of strategies to help you manage difficult thoughts, emotions, & behaviours. Learn actionable steps to create a more meaningful and satisfying life.


Relationship Coaching

Learn what is getting in the way of having and keeping a healthy relationship, navigating the dating world, & improve communication.

Make space for yourself.